Back by Popular Demand! Jamie’s Fantastic All-Natural Banana Bread Recipe
Hi! I'm Jamie McNaughton. My brother Patrick and I grew up in our grandparent's bakery with all the inviting smells and flavors from fresh baked goods. Years later, I still love to bake and wanted to share my favorite Banana Bread Recipe with you. Warm banana bread smells wafting through your home - there's nothing better, except eating some, too! Enjoy!

1 cup sugar (I like using natural evaporated sugar cane) 1/3 cup unsalted butter (no margarine!) softened to room temperature (not melted). 2 eggs, organic, brown eggs, if possible 5 ripe medium-large ripe bananas -- squished, smashed & mashed! 1/3 cup water 1 2/3 cup unbleached flour (not self-rising flour) 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt (I like using Sea Salt) ¼ teaspoon baking powder
What to do:
1. Heat oven to 350 degrees
2. Grease or spray the bottom only of 4 mini-loaf pans or a 9”x5” loaf pan
3. Peel and smash the bananas (fun!) in a large bowl with the water, set aside. Really, really, ripe bananas (even frozen ripe bananas) work great, don’t be afraid of using them. Smashing the bananas & water against the side of the bowl with a masher or a fork works best.
4. With a beater, in a large bowl: Mix the sugar and the softened butter until completely blended. 5. Add the eggs until blended. 6. Add the smashed bananas and water and beat for 30 seconds. 7. Add the Flour, Baking Soda, Salt and Baking Powder and mix on slow so it doesn’t make a big cloud of puff! Mix only until all the powdered ingredients are wet. 8. Pour into the pans evenly (fill just a little over ½ in each pan) Batter will be lumpy. 9. Bake 35 minutes for mini-pans and 55 minutes for large loaf pan.
Since oven times vary, see if they are done at 33/53 minutes using a toothpick. (insert a toothpick into the thickest part of the loaf. If it comes out clean, the bread is done, if it has batter on it, keep baking a few minutes at-a-time.) Don’t over-bake. Let it sit for 5 minutes after baking then carefully remove from the tin (turn upside down and catch it)
Slice and enjoy! Wrap in a plastic wrap tightly to keep fresh. Freeze for future use, too.
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Copyright @ 2016 Jamie McNaughton